Professor Jatinder S. Sidhu

Professor Jatinder S. Sidhu


Dr. Jatinder Sidhu joined the Management Department of LUBS in June 2019. He started his academic career at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, Netherlands, to which he was affiliated first as Assistant Professor and then as Associate Professor of Strategic Management. He earned his Ph.D. degree at the Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus School of Economics, Netherlands. He has rich and varied experience as academic administrator, instructor and researcher. He was for many years the Academic Director of the M.Sc. Strategic Management program at RSM, and over the course of his career he has developed and taught a range of undergraduate and graduate courses centering on strategy, organization and innovation. His research has appeared in a variety of prestigious journals including, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Organization Science, Organization Studies, and Research Policy. He serves on the Scientific Council of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and as Editor for European Management Review, EURAM's peer-reviewed journal.


  • Subject Group Leader (2019 - 2024) - Strategy & Organization
  • Co-Director (2020 - to date) - Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement (C-TIE)

Research interests

Jatinder has a keen interest in developing better understanding of how companies manage and balance the demands and expectations of their shareholders and stakeholders, and with what consequences. In this regard, much of his current research centers on the influence CEOs, top management teams, and boards of directors have on the financial performance of firms and firms’ commitment to sustainability and other social goals. He is particularly drawn to studying the impact of corporate leaders’ gender, personalities and values on strategy and innovation in organizations. At a more micro level, his research examines how identity and identification shape organizational decisions, routines and outcomes. His areas of expertise include behavioral strategy, strategic leadership & governance, organizational learning, organizational identity, and innovation.

International Collaboration: Project on Corporate Purpose

For a project proposal to examine how companies may create long-term value by serving stakeholders better, my co-authors at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. H. Volberda, Dr. P. Vishwanathan, and Dr. K. Heij) and I won the 2020 competitive tender of Euro 70.000,00 announced by SMS (Stichting Management Studies / Foundation of Management Studies). SMS is affiliated to the largest employer-association in the Netherlands, VNO-NCW, and serves as a bridge between management practice and science. On behalf of its VNO-NCW members and its donors, among other activities, SMS awards grants for practice-oriented research centering on themes viewed to be important by the management board of SMS. Members of the SMS board include senior executives of a wide range of companies including, Ahold, Air France–KLM, Deloitte, KPMG, Philips, and Shell, among others ( The SMS board selected our proposal as the winner of the 2020 theme, Maatschappelijk Bewustzijn van Ondernemingen (Corporate Social Awareness).

The project concluded with the publication of the following book in 2022: 

De Winst van Purpose door Henk Volberda -

MediaWerf (In Print)

International Conference: 12th EIASM (European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management) Workshop on Top Management Teams (TMTs)

Leeds University Business School (LUBS) hosts the 12th EIASM workshop on TMTs on April 27 and April 28, 2023. The theme of the 12th TMT workshop is Corporate Leaders and the Pursuit of Purpose. As the event chairperson, along with Professor Dimitrios Georgakakis, University of York, I am delighted to have Professor Henk Volberda, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Professor Joanna Campbell, University of Cincinnati, USA as keynote speakers at the event.

Forthcoming Textbook: Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Sage (In Print): November 2023 


Special Issues – Calls for Papers:

Go to journal home page - Long Range Planning

Corporate Purpose Revisited: Re-imagining The Economic And Social Value of Strategy


Corporate Governance: An International Review

Chief Executive Officers With A Cause? CEO Activism And Firms’ Governance, Strategy, And Performance

Research Blogs:

Gender Diversity, Corporate Boards, and Strategic Change

On Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Narcissism

Corporate Leaders and Climate Action

Student education

Current doctoral students:

  • Lance Cosaert, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (Graduated 3rd July, 2023)
  • Agnieszka Genc, Rotterdam School of Management (Graduated 21st March, 2024), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Lisanne Veter, Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands 
  • Peiwen Wang, Leeds University Business School, UK

Research groups and institutes

  • Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement

Current postgraduate researchers